  • 【科技日报】80多种远古海洋生物诉说3亿年前生物礁的秘密往事

      2020年9月17日 来源:科技日报
      从吉维特中晚期开始, 后生动物礁的规模迅速减少, 到弗拉期末,后生动物生物礁生态系统彻底崩溃。经过数亿年的地质运动,远古的生物礁保存状况不尽相同。幸运的是,我国华南地区的生物礁得到较好的保存,包括广西、贵州和湖南,比较著名的有广西南丹大厂龙头山生物礁、贵州布寨生物礁、湖南新邵巨口铺生物礁等,这与当地独特的地形地貌与气候条件有一定的关联。
  • 【EurekAlert】100-million-year-old amber reveals sexual intercourse of ostracods
    2020年9月16日 来源:EurekAlert
      Small bivalved crustacean ostracods are the most abundant fossil arthropods since the Ordovician and play an important role in paleoenvironmental reconstruction and evolutionary biology.
      The vast majority of fossil ostracods are represented by calcified shells, and their soft parts, which can provide invaluable information about ancient ostracod autoecology, are extremely rare.
      Recently, Dr. WANG He and Prof. WANG Bo, from the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (NIGPAS), and their collaborators presented exceptionally well-preserved ostracods with soft parts (appendages and reproductive organs) from mid-Cretaceous Myanmar amber (~100 million years old), which revealed sexual intercourse of ostracods.
      The study was published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B on Sept. 15.
      The ostracod assemblage in the amber is composed of 39 individuals in one amber piece and includes males, females and juveniles.
      X-ray micro-computed tomography was used to obtain high-resolution three-dimensional images of their soft parts. The micro-CT reconstruction provided direct evidence of the male clasper, sperm pumps (Zenker organs), hemipenes, eggs and female seminal receptacles containing giant sperm.
      This is the first time that giant ostracod sperm was found in Cretaceous ostracod fossils; its length was at least one-third of the body length of the ostracod. This discovery is also the earliest known animal sperm record, and approximately 50-million years older than the previous oldest fossil records of animal sperm.
      Analyses of the fossil and extant ostracods show that during sexual reproduction, the male used its sexually dimorphic fifth limb, which has hook-like endopods, to grasp a female while introducing its hemipenes into the female's paired vaginas. The male's pair of Zenker organs then transferred the exceptionally long but immotile sperm via the male hemipenes into the female.
      The Zenker organ is readily identified in extant cypridoidean ostracods as a large, spiny, sclerotized part of the deferent sperm duct. Muscle fibers alongside the organ connect the numerous spines, which are often arranged in a number of whorls that are taxonomically characteristic at the family level.
      Once in the female, the sperm are pushed up the two long sperm canals, each ending in a sac-like seminal receptacle for sperm storage; there, they finally become motile, arrange themselves into a more organized assemblage and fertilize eggs during the process of oviposition.
      Research reveals that the repertoire of reproduction behavior in ostracods, which is associated with considerable morphological adaptations, has remained unchanged over at least 100 million years - a paramount example of evolutionary stasis.
      The appearance of a complex reproductive mechanism involving giant sperm improved mating success and may have been an important contributor to the late Mesozoic explosive radiation of the superfamily Cypridoidea, which today includes the vast majority of nonmarine ostracod species.
      This research was supported by the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition and Research, and the National Natural Science Foundation of China. 
  • 【光明网】南京古生物所等通过丁氏花为花朵演化提供重要证据

      2020年9月14日 来源:光明网
      近日,《古昆虫学》(Palaeoentomology)发表了中国学者领导的中西国际研究团队合作完成的题为《中新世琥珀里的独特化石为花朵演化提供新的启示》的论文。中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所、福建农林大学、西班牙比戈大学、抚顺琥珀研究所的五位学者在论文中报道中美洲多美尼加中新世(2000-1500万年前)琥珀中的花朵化石——五数丁氏花Dinganthus pentamera。该化石命名为丁氏花,是为纪念北京大学原校长、数学家丁石孙(1927-2019)。目前,丁氏花的标本保存于抚顺琥珀研究所。
  • 【人民网】中美科学家发现远古海底生物化石
    2020年9月14日 来源:人民日报海外版02版
      本报南京9月13日电 (记者姚雪青)记者日前从中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所获悉,该所早期生命研究团队与美国学者合作,在中国湖北三峡地区的石板滩生物群中,发现了4种形似树叶的远古生物。这些“树叶”实际上是形态奇特的早期动物,它们生活在远古海洋底部。相关研究成果已发表在古生物学国际专业期刊《古生物学杂志》上。
  • 【中国青年报】南京地质古生物研究所:5.5亿年前的海底躺着一群形似树叶的动物

      相关研究成果已于近日发表在古生物学国际专业期刊《古生物学杂志》(Journal of Paleontology)上。
  • 【GLOBAL TIMES】Chinese, US scientists find 550 million years ago ‘leaves’ in Central China's Hubei
    2020年9月9日 来源:GLOBAL TIMES
      Leaf-like ancient creatures that lived at the bottom of an ancient sea about 550 million years ago, have been discovered in the Shibantan biota in the Three Gorges region of Central China's Hubei Province, by the early life research team of the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NIGPAS), in collaboration with American scholars, the staff of NIGPAS told the Global Times on Tuesday.
      Unlike the leaves that grow on branches, these "leaves" are actually curiously shaped early animals that lived at the bottom of the ancient ocean.
      The four ancient creatures are extinct. They look roughly similar, with a body length of about 10 centimeters and a leaf-like appearance, Pang Ke, associate professor of NIGPAS told Xinhua.
      The frondose fossils have rounded suckers at the bottom. They stick to the bottom of the sea with suction cups, while the stem and leaf parts stand upright in the water. They normally sway with the water under the sea. The researchers speculate that they feed by absorbing small particles of organic matter from seawater as they swayed.
      According to NIGPAS, the Ediacara-type organisms are macroscopic, soft-bodied eukaryotes that prospered in the late Ediacaran. They constitute the unique macroscopic fossil biota on the eve of the Cambrian Explosion, which was a landmark in the evolution of early macroscopic organisms.
      A typical frondose fossil consists of an upright leaf-like body (petalodium), a connecting stem and a basal attachment disc. Frondose fossils are widespread and occur in great numbers. However, due to their simple external morphology and preserved without internal anatomical information, we know nearly nothing about their phylogenetic affinities, NIGPAS told the Global Times.
      Early workers interpreted them to be early sea pens, but ontogenetic and phylogenetic evidence has rejected this hypothesis. Recent studies suggested these frondose fossils might represent crown- or total-groups of metazoa, acording to NIGPAS.
      Some 550 million years ago, these undersea "leaves" were a particularly large and widespread group of creatures. But to this day, little is known about their biological properties. They predate what is known as the Cambrian Explosion. Unraveling the mystery of these ancient undersea "leaves" may provide important clues to the evolution of early life, Pang told Xinhua.