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    报告题目:Application of Boron and Lithium isotopes in economic geology报告人:Aung Zaw Myint 教授报告人单位:缅甸仰光大学报告时间:6月18日(周二)下午4:15报告地点:图书馆三楼报告厅主办:重点实验室、科技处、人教处、青促会报告人简介:Aung Zaw Myint 教授于2015年从日本九州大学Kyushu University获得经济地质学博士学位之后在缅甸仰光大学担任助理教授,并于2019年被聘用为终身副教授。同年,他荣获德国洪堡基金会颁发的Georg Forster Research Fellowship。自2021年起,他先后担任缅甸塔威大学和东仰光大学经济地质学系终身教授并兼任系主任,同时在仰光大学开展研究工作。Aung Zaw Myint 教授在Journal of Asian Earth Sciences ,Ore Geology Reviews等期刊以第一或通讯作者身份发表论文14篇。在这个报告中,他将总结新兴地球化学工具(Li-B同位素)在经济地质学中的应用。
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    报告题目:The preservation of fossil biomolecules: new insights from experimental taphonomy and advanced spectroscopy报告人:Professor Maria McNamara报告人单位:University College Cork, Cork, Ireland报告时间:5月29日(周三)上午10:00报告地点:图书馆三楼报告厅主办:重点实验室、科技处、人教处、青促会报告人简介:爱尔兰国立科克大学教授Maria McNamara是著名的古生物学家和埋藏学家,主要研究方向包括生物软组织的保存、昆虫和羽毛化石中的颜色、羽毛的演化等。McNamara教授在Nature,Science,Nature Ecology and Evolution,Nature Communications,Geology,PNAS,Science Advances,Current Biology等国际知名学术期刊共发表文章五十余篇。McNamara教授曾获国际古生物协会President’s Prize(2003和2005)和Hodson Award(2014),英国科学协会Charles Lyell Award(2009),Dinopolis Foundation Paleonturology Award(2017),科克大学Early Career Researcher of the Year(2014)和Research Team of the Year(2023)等荣誉,并获Marie Curie(Career Integration Grant和Marie Curie International Fellowship),European Research Council (Starting Grant和Consolidator Grant), Science Foundation Ireland(Discover, Frontiers for the Future和iCRAG-GSI Environmental Geoscience 项目)等多项国家级和欧盟研究资助,科研经费累计超500万欧元。报告简介:Ancient biomolecules are a powerful source of information on the history of life on Earth. Traces of ancient biomolecules can survive for millions of years, but their interpretations are always controversial, because fossil tissues are invariably experienced a complex fossilization process. Taphonomic experiments can help understand what happens and how biomolecules break down during fossilization. In this talk, Prof. McNamara will introduce experimental and spectroscopic methods that are developed to interpret the chemical signals preserved in the fossils. This will give us exciting new insights into the evolution and unlock the chemical secrets of ancient biomolecules
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    英国杜伦大学Van Mildert学院首席教授、国际地层委员会主席国际奥陶系分会前主席、国际古生物学会前主席,国际早古生代地层及腕足动物权威专家,国际古生物分析软件PAST主创人员,已发表大量有重要影响的研究专著和论文。
  • 13
    报告题目:古新统-始新统(P/E)界线在大有孔虫生物带(SBZ)中的位置报告人:张清海 研究员报告人单位:中国科学院青藏高原研究所报告时间:5月15日(周三) 上午10: 30报告地点:微体室会议室 (中楼206)主办:重点实验室、微体室、科技处、人教处报告人简介:张清海研究员主要从事早新生代有孔虫生物地层、古环境和沉积盆地研究。在Earth and Planetary Science Letters、Global and Planetary Change、Geological Society of America Bulletin、Gondwana Research、International Journal of Earth Sciences、The Journal of Geology等主流学术期刊上发表论文30余篇。(共同)主持二次科考任务七专题八、国家自然科学基金面上项目、中国科学院人才计划项目、德国自然科学基金(DFG)等项目,参与中国科学院先导A专项和德国DFG优先项目(TiP)。2020年获中国科学院杰出科技成就奖(主要完成者)。
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    报告题目:Publishing in Scientific Journals & Editor Career Path谈谈学术期刊出版和如何成为编辑?报告人:赵艺璇报告人单位:爱思唯尔出版社报告时间:5月16日(周四)下午3:00报告地点:中楼二楼会议室主办:科技处、重点实验室、科传中心报告人简介:赵艺璇是爱思唯尔的出版人,负责10余本地球科学期刊,主要关注期刊战略和发展。她于2019年加入爱思唯尔北京办公室,负责环境科学期刊的特刊管理。在加入爱思唯尔之前,艺璇在清华大学环境科学与工程专业获得学士学位,随后在美国佐治亚理工学院获得环境工程硕士学位。她曾在中国的水质分析仪器公司担任应用工程师和市场经理。
  • 08
    报告题目:Carboniferous Chronostratigraphy and GSSPs: State of the Art and further directions报告人:Professor Markus Aretz报告人单位:Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France报告时间:5月16日(周四)下午3:00报告地点:图书馆三楼报告厅主办:重点实验室、科技处、人教处、青促会报告人简介:Markus Aretz目前为法国图卢兹第三大学教授,长期从事石炭纪生物礁、珊瑚、综合地层等研究,发表相关论著92篇,主编专辑17部,组织国际会议14次(包括5次首席身份)。Aretz教授是国际上石炭纪古生物学与地层学研究最为活跃的专家之一,长期担任国际地层委员会石炭系分会秘书或选举委员(2008-2024)、泥盆系-石炭系界线工作组组长(2010-至今),石炭系维宪阶-谢尔普霍夫阶界线工作组成员(2003-至今);此外还担任国际珊瑚化石和生物礁协会秘书(2011-2023)和副理事(2007-2011, 2023-2027),以及Newsletters on Stratigraphy、Journal of Palaeogeography (English Edition)、Geologica Belgica等期刊的主编或编委。报告简介:The notion of time is fundamental for understanding the history of the Earth. Today, the International Geological Time Scale composed of well-defined time units is invariably linked to the term GSSP that is symbolized by a golden spike. Currently, a significant number of golden spikes are still missing for the division of the Carboniferous Period. In this presentation, Prof. Aretz will explore some of the challenges Carboniferous stratigraphers faced, and discuss the current Carboniferous chronostratigraphy and the completion of the remaining GSSPs. This talk will also emphasize that standards we apply today for defining a GSSP are much higher than in past decades, which require multi-proxy approaches and a more complex and comprehensive understanding of a boundary interval. The Carboniferous stratigraphic community is currently embracing this challenge and we will explore how it may influence and impact the subdivision of the Carboniferous and the establishment of the next GSSPs. 
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    报告题目:A new view: Hemichordate (e.g. Graptolites and relatives) and their Cambrian record报告人:Jörg Maletz 研究员报告人单位:柏林自由大学报告时间:2024年4月28日 下午3点报告地点:南京古生物所图书馆报告厅主办:重点实验室、科技处、人教处报告人简介:Jörg Maletz研究员长期致力于笔石、放射虫化石及早古生代地层研究,是目前国际上最活跃的、成果最突出的笔石学科权威研究专家之一。他主导和深度参与了德国、美国、加拿大、瑞典、挪威、阿根廷、中国等多个国家的笔石动物群及早古生代地层研究。其中,他主导奥陶系弗洛阶底界“金钉子”的笔石演化序列研究,推动了该“金钉子”于2000年成功建立在瑞典西哥特兰省。自2011年起他担任第三版的Treatise on Palaeontology(国际古生学论丛)(笔石卷)的主编,于2023年完成编撰并正式出版,对国际笔石学科研究起到了巨大的推动作用。近年来,他还致力于寒武纪晚期笔石动物的形态学和演化研究,以及华南志留系兰多维列统笔石序列及生物地层研究,是目前国际上研究寒武纪笔石起源和演化的主要研究专家。迄今为止,他已著有9本专著和200多篇学术论文。
  • 09
    讲座题目:1. Progress in understanding the Ediacaran biota (Dr. Alex Liu)2. Sedimentaryinsights into Neoproterozoic life (Dr. Brennan O'Connell)报  告  人:Alex Liu副教授,Brennan O'Connell博士报告人单位:剑桥大学报告  时间:4月15日(周一) 上午9:30-12:00报告  地点:图书馆三楼报告厅主      办:科技处、重点实验室、人教处、青促会报告人简介:Alex Liu副教授,任教于英国剑桥大学地球科学系,国际知名埃迪卡拉化石研究专家,担任国际地层委员会埃迪卡拉系分会选举委员,对加拿大、澳大利亚、英国、纳米比亚等地的埃迪卡拉化石进行了深入研究,在Nature、Geology、PNAS、Current Biology、Proceedings B等期刊发表论文50余篇。Brennan O'Connell博士,在英国剑桥大学地球科学系Alex Liu实验室进行博士后合作研究,主要从事新元古代氧化事件与古环境研究,已发表相关研究论文20余篇。
  • 07
    Simon Poulton,英国利兹大学教授,欧洲地球化学学会会士、英国皇家学会沃尔夫森优秀科研奖(Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award)获得者。他长期致力于地球生物圈化学演化、营养元素循环以及地球早期大气和海洋环境演变规律等问题的研究,通过沉积岩的地球化学及非传统同位素等极具独创性的手段揭示早期环境与生命协同变化规律,并取得重要成果。讲座1:Reconstructing Earth's Ancient Phosphorus Cycle讲座2:Phosphorus Controls on Earth's Early Oxygenation History报告人:Simon Poulton 教授报告人单位:英国利兹大学报告时间:3月12日(周二),14:30          3月13日(周三),14:30报告地点:南京古生物所图书馆三楼报告厅主      办:重点实验室、科技处、人教处报告人简介:Simon Poulton,英国利兹大学教授,欧洲地球化学学会会士、英国皇家学会沃尔夫森优秀科研奖(Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award)获得者。他长期致力于地球生物圈化学演化、营养元素循环以及地球早期大气和海洋环境演变规律等问题的研究,通过沉积岩的地球化学及非传统同位素等极具独创性的手段揭示早期环境与生命协同变化规律,并取得重要成果。发表论文一百余篇,包括Nature、Science、Nature Geoscience、Nature Communications、Science Advances等期刊论文数十篇,SCI引用18000余次。获得2023年中国科学院国际人才计划(PIFI)资助。报告摘要:Seminar 1: Reconstructing Earth’s Ancient Phosphorus CycleOur understanding of Earth’s oxygenation/deoxygenation history and links to biological evolution and extinction has evolved dramatically over recent years. While there is still much to learn in terms of reconstructing the dynamics of this history, with a broad understanding in place, attention is increasingly focusing on the drivers of intervals of paleoenvironmental change. In this regard, the key major limiting nutrient, phosphorus, plays a key role through its regulation of primary productivity, organic matter production and burial, and hence both regional water column deoxygenation and global oxygenation. However, our understanding of the ancient phosphorus cycle is highly limited, and hence controls on major periods of paleoenvironmental change are often obscured. Here, we will investigate phosphorus cycling in modern redox-sensitive environments, with a focus on ferruginous (Fe-containing) and low ··1= euxinic (sulfidic) water column settings that are analogous to ancient oceans. With this new understanding, we will then explore how new techniques for evaluating the phase partitioning of phosphorus can be used to unravel phosphorus cycling in ancient environments, with a particular focus on the Late Ordovician mass extinction and global ferruginous conditions in the early Neoproterozoic.Seminar 2: Phosphorus Controls on Earth’s Early Oxygenation HistoryOver the last 20 years, huge progress has been made in terms of our understanding of Earth's oxygenation history. This lecture will start with a general overview and timeline of the advances made, culminating in the most up-to-date reconstruction of atmospheric and oceanic oxygenation. Recent research will then be presented on the role that phosphorus cycling played in priming the Earth for its first major rise in atmospheric oxygen during the Great Oxidation Episode (GOE). Research pertaining to the dynamics of the GOE and links to phosphorus cycling will then be discussed. This work documents a major delay of ~100 million years in the timing of persistent atmospheric oxygenation, with intense fluctuations in atmospheric oxygen levels being linked to major climate perturbations. Finally, we will review how far our understanding of the history of mid-Proterozoic ocean chemistry has evolved over the last 20 years, with an ultimate focus on potential drivers of apparent temporal and spatial variability in this record.
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    报告题目:Resolving the effects of sea level change versus tectonic deformation on syn-rift cyclo-sequence stratigraphy: a case study from the Gulf of Suez, Egypt报告人:Raed Badr博士报告人单位:开罗大学时间:2024年2月29日(周四)下午2:30报告地点:南京古生物所图书馆三楼报告厅主办:重点实验室、科技处、人教处报告简介To resolve how sedimentation is influenced by eustatic sea-level change and tectonic deformation, we carried out a comprehensive analysis of syn-rift deposits of the Wadi Baba area on the eastern margin of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt. By comparing physical stratigraphic data with age constraints from biostratigraphy, Sr isotope stratigraphy and benthic foraminiferal d18O data, we established a temporal range of 21.2 to <15.9 Myr (Aquitanian-early Langhian) for the studied section and made the following observations:1. During the early rifting stage (21.2 to 19.1 Mry), sea-level change mainly controlled the timing and development of shallow-marine sedimentary cyclicity, and the cycles were influenced by the 400 kry eccentricity-forced climatic variability.2. Tectonic subsidence was sufficient to outpace the eustatic sea-level falls at the end of the eccentricity-driven eustatic cycles. During rift-climax (19.1 to <15.9 Mry), increased tectonic subsidence/tilting and sediment influx masked the effect of eustasy.3. We found that low-gradient tectonic settings such as hanging wall dip slopes can preserve eustatic-induced stratigraphic cyclicity, unlike dynamic high-gradient settings around propagating faults, which mask or distort eustatic signals.4. During tectonic quiescence stages, sea-level falls contributed to the development of some sequence boundaries that correspond to the global Mi1ab and Mi2 events.图1 埃及苏黎世海湾中新世浅海沉积序列报告人简介Raed Badr 博士于2008年5月在开罗大学获得地质学和化学双学士学位,并在2022年获得沉积地质学的博士学位后留校担任讲师。自2013年7月至今他同时兼职担任埃及EREX石油顾问公司的高级沉积学家。他的专长为沉积学和层序地层学。Raed博士已经以第一或主要作者身份在Sedimentary Geology和 Journal of Asian Earth Science等期刊发表论文3篇。这次讲座中Raed将介绍他自2023年7月以来在南古所开展的PIFI项目合作研究。
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    报告题目:Holocene process-based hydroclimate evolution coupled with human behaviours in Dian Lake basin, Southwest China报告人:乌尼曼 教授报告人单位:西南交通大学时间:2024年3月6日(周三)上午10:00报告地点:南京古生物所图书馆三楼报告厅主办:咨询中心、科技处、人教处报告简介水文气候变化与人类活动影响是研究人类活动响应气候变化的重要问题。滇池盆地东南地区的考古发现与湖泊沉积记录研究结合,揭示了青铜时代、滇-汉代人类活动与夏季风和湖泊水位变化的相互关系。晚全新世季风衰退、湖泊水位最低时期,滇-汉代湖盆低地聚落繁盛,后因湖泊水位上升、地表活动活跃而迁出低地,直到明朝才在被洪积层垫高的低地重新出现。两个沉积柱的分析,揭示了湖泊水位变化与地表过程,对人类活动的重大影响。报告人简介Bernd Wunnemann 教授,1990年于柏林自由大学获博士学位。2008-2017年在南京大学工作10年,2012年获中国国家友谊奖,2014年获国家特聘外专千人计划,后任职于华东师范大学,现受聘于西南交通大学。他长期在青藏高原与沙漠地区进行湖泊-流域相互作用研究,利用沉积学与生物化石、地球化学手段,识别第四纪晚期的多种作用过程,重建古气候。牵头德国自然科学基金(DFG)、德国联邦教研基金(BMBF)与中国国家自然科学基金(NSFC)多个项目,在ESR、QSR、GRL、Journal of Hydrology、Catena等期刊发表系列高水平论文。
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    报告题目:1、研究所科研经费相关管理规定宣讲2、2023年度国家基金委申请情况及2024年度工作宣讲报告部门:科技处时间:1月23日(周二) 上午10:00地点:图书馆三楼报告厅 (腾讯会议:424-100-172)主办:科技处、重点实验室、青促会、人教处