  • 09
    报告题目:揭示蕨类植物韧皮部的多样性和进化报告人:傅子珊报告人单位:University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom报告时间:9月19日(周四)下午 14:30-16:00报告地点:图书馆三楼报告厅报告简介:韧皮部(Phloem)是维管植物运输光合产物和信号传递的基本组织,对维管植物至关重要。然而,因为韧皮部细胞壁薄,组织脆弱,在化石中通常保存较差,以致我们对韧皮部进化过程理解甚少。通过整合现存和已灭绝蕨类植物的组织学证据,我们量化了蕨类植物关键韧皮部特征在地质时间尺度上的进化,为进一步揭示陆地植物韧皮部的进化提供依据。主办:重点实验室、青促会、科技处、人教处
  • 19
    报告题目:Late Eocene-early Oligocene fluvial-to-lacustrine feeder system for the Northern Song Hong and Beibuwan Basins (on-shore North-East Vietnam)报告人:Anna Wysocka教授报告时间:2024年8月21日 上午9:30报告地点:南京古生物所图书馆三楼报告厅Anna Wysocka教授,波兰科学院地质科学研究所副所长,曾担任华盛顿大学地质学院学生事务副院长。主要研究方向为沉积学、古地层学以及古气候学等研究,主持了多项国际科研项目,涉及越南北部和中部的古近系沉积盆地研究,波兰、乌克兰和摩尔多瓦中新世外喀尔巴阡山脉碎屑序列的沉积环境重建研究等,在国际著名期刊Chemical Geology、Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems、Journal of Asian Earth Sciences等发表论文120余篇。报告题目:Towards a dystropic lake: the history of Smolak Lake (NE) Poland on the basis of geochemical and biological data报告人:Zawisza Edyta教授报告时间:2024年8月21日 上午10:30报告地点:南京古生物所图书馆三楼报告厅Zawisza Edyta 教授,波兰科学院地质科学研究所华沙研究中心主任、波兰科学院地质科学研究所GeoPlanet 博士研究生院协调员。2008年获得波兰科学院地质科学研究所第四纪博士学位,2011年自墨西哥国立自治大学博士后出站,主要的研究方向是第四纪地质学、古湖沼学、古生物学和古生态学,尤其在浮游动物微体化石分类学研究等方面研究成果丰硕,研究区域涵盖了世界各地多个国家,如波兰、冰岛、俄罗斯、芬兰、挪威、英国、德国、西班牙、墨西哥、危地马拉、萨尔瓦多和中国等。发表论文近60篇,包括国际著名期刊Catena、Quaternary Science Reviews、Quaternary International、The Holocene、Journal of Paleolimnology、Hydrobiologia等。
  • 13
    报告题目:Late Cambrian-Ordovician faunas from Iran and South China: Similarities and differences报告人:Hadi Jahangir报告人单位:中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所报告时间:8月16日(周五)上午10:00报告地点:图书馆三楼学术报告厅主办:古生物学与油气地层应用重点实验室、人事教育处报告简介:Late Cambrian‒Ordovician stratigraphy and faunas from various sections across different geological zones in Iran and Guizhou Province, South China, were analysed to explore potential biogeographical and palaeogeographical relationships based on faunal evidence, stratigraphy, and geological events during this interval. The possible absence of several conodont biozones at the Cambrian‒Ordovician transition in the biostratigraphical succession of the Yangtze Platform may indicate a hiatus near the system boundary. A similar hiatus has been documented in Alborz tectonic unit of northern Iran.A notable exception is the Cambrian‒Ordovician transition documented from slope deposits on the Saluk Mountains (Kopet-Dagh domain of Alborztectonic unit), which shows continuous biostratigraphical succession comparable to the Jiangnan Slope of South China. To date, this is the only complete conodont biozonal succession documented from Iran. It is subdivided into 11 succeeding conodont biozones, ranging from the Proconodontusmuelleri to Paltodusdeltifer zones. Two graptolite-bearing horizons with early representative of Rhabdinoporahave been documented from the CordyloduslindstromiZone, close to the inferred position of the Cambrian–Ordovician boundary. Additionally, Iapetognathus conodont elements were recovered from several stratigraphical levels within the CordyloduslindstromiandCordylodus angulatuszones. The presence of early Rhabdinoporaand Iapetognathusconodonts in the lower CordyloduslindstromiZone of southern Kopet-Dagh is of outstanding importance for high resolution correlation of the Cambrian–Ordovician boundary interval and for more precise definition of the system boundary.Overall, recent progress in studies of Ordovician‒Silurian stratigraphy and faunas of Iran, particularly in the Alborz tectonic unitand the East-Central Iranian Platform, has led to a more accurate definition of stage and system boundaries, as well as a characterisation of the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event (GOBE) in Iranian sections. It also reveals a distinct similarity between the biostratigraphy and faunas of South China and Iranian terranes.报告人简介:Hadi Jahangir博士毕业于马什哈德费尔多西大学(Ferdowsi university of Mashhad),为伊朗古生物协会会员,2021年8月至今于中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所从事特别研究助理工作。目前在《Journal of Asian Earth Sciences》、《Bulletin of Geosciences》等期刊发表多篇学术论文。
  • 18
    报告题目:Reef communities and carbon isotope excursions of the Lower Ordovician reveal early escalation of the Great Ordovician Biodiversication Event (GOBE)报告人:Jongsun Hong, Associate Professor报告人单位:Kangwon National University报告时间:7月22日(周一)下午3:30-4:30报告地点:图书馆三楼报告厅主办:重点实验室、科技处、人教处报告简介:Middle Tremadocian to earliest Floian isotopic carbon excursions are reported from the Lower Ordovician Dumugol Formation in eastern Sino-Korean Platform. These excursions are well-correlated with coeval strata elsewhere. This finding reaffirms that the Top Skullockian Isotopic Carbon Excursion (TSICE) may be correlated globally. It also suggests that the Late Stairsian Isotopic Carbon Excursion (LSICE) would also be useful for inter-regional correlation. First microbial-lithistid Archaeoscyphia reefs in the formation developed in a low-energy deeper subtidal deposits, occurring between the TSICE and LSICE. It represents the habitat expansion of the reef community that invaded into deeper subtidal. A similar phenomenon and emergence of new sessile organisms in shallow subtidal happened in a stratigraphic interval between the two excursions in Laurentia (now Utah, USA) and South China, respectively. These happened in a short span of time within a million year. Such abrupt increases in ecological and taxonomic diversities signify a pulse of the early GOBE, shortly after a possible anoxic event marked by the Top Skullrockian Isotopic Carbon Excursion (TSICE).    报告人简介:Jongsun Hong副教授于2015年从高丽大学获得博士学位,随后在高丽大学担任Research professor,2017年在Korea Polar Research Institute从事博士后研究,2017年9月进入Kangwon National University工作。在《Journal of the Geological Society of Korea》,《Palaeogeography, Paleoclimatology, Palaeoecology》,《Sedimentary Geology》等期刊发表多篇学术论文。
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    报告题目:Tectonic and paleoenvironmental evolution of deep-time Antarctica: from sedimentary records of northern Victoria Land报告人:Jusun Woo, Assistant Professor报告人单位:Seoul National University报告时间:7月22日(周一)下午2:30-3:30报告地点:图书馆三楼报告厅主办:重点实验室、科技处、人教处报告简介:Sedimentary strata in northern Victoria Land (nVL), Antarctica contain evidences of Antarctica’s deep-time environments ranging from Cambrian to Jurassic in geological age. The lower Paleozoic Bowers Supergroup consists of low-grade metasedimentary rocks including siliciclastics, carbonates, and volcanics. The basal part of the supergroup is characterized by volcanic rocks and deep-marine turbidites and the overlying sedimentary facies successions suggest a major regression from continental slope, shallow marine to fluvial environments. Rare carbonate rocks occur as olistoliths in the deep-water sediments and preserve microbial reef textures which provide hints to understand unpreserved Cambrian carbonate platforms in the Antarctica. These sediments were deposited in the basin evolved along with the early Paleozoic tectonic processes of the Ross Orogeny. The overlying, late Paleozoic to Jurassic Beacon Supergroup is characterized by thick succession of sandstones and conglomerates with fluvial origin. The basal part of the supergroup is characterized by diamictites formed in glacio-lacustrine-fluvial environments which prevailed in southern part of the Gondwana Land in the late Paleozoic. The upper part of the supergroup contains volcaniclastics and is eventually overlain by Jurassic Ferrar Group. The Ferrar Group in nVL consists of effusive and eruptive tholeiitic volcanics which formed thick succession of lava flow units with thin volcaniclastic interbeds and dyke-and-sill systems. These volcanics are formed mostly by continental flood basalt related to the rifting in the early stage of the breakup of the Gondwana.The sedimentary rocks of nVL record succession of geological events in the Antarctica such as formation of Antarctic continent in the early Paleozoic time and break-up of Gondwana Land in the Jurassic. The rocks also provide new data set for integrate understanding of past global environmental events such as Cambrian microbial reef evolution and development of late Paleozoic ice age. There is still a lot more interesting geology to come in the Antarctica.报告人简介:Jusun Woo助理教授于2009年从首尔大学获得博士学位,随后在Korea Polar Research Institute 担任Senior Research Scientist,从2019年至今在首尔大学担任助理教授职位。研究兴趣主要包括华北、黄海、格陵兰岛和南极洲内相关沉积盆地的地层学和沉积学工作。
  • 10
    报告题目:From Perchlorate Formation to Habitability on Mars报告人:刘东宇 高级研究员报告人单位:常州制药厂有限公司(上海医药)报告时间:7月13日(周六)上午10:00报告地点:南京地质古生物所中楼一楼会议室主办:重点实验室、青促会、科技处、人教处报告简介:2008年美国的凤凰号火星探测器在火星土壤中确认了高氯酸盐的存在。而火星环境下,高氯酸盐的强氧化性及对水和有机物的特殊作用对研究类地行星上可能存在的生命具有重要意义。刘东宇的报告分为以下几部分,首先介绍对高氯酸盐在火星上的形成机理研究,其次是这些化合物和反应是如何影响一些生命标记物的,进一步研究在这些条件下生命是否有可能存在。最后刘东宇会简单介绍一下他们在地外检测器上做的一些工作。个人简介刘东宇博士,2014年毕业于南京大学化学系,之后2020年在美国塔夫斯大学取得化学博士学位。2021年回国后加入常州制药厂有限公司(上海医药),担任高级研究员。博士及博士后阶段参与了对高活性卤素化合物形成记录及其对微生物危害的研究、NASA 凤凰号火星登陆器、土卫二探测等NASA科研项目。因为在NASA COLDTech和Mars 2020项目中的贡献,获得了GREAT fellowship和NASA博士后奖学金。上述工作发表了3篇SCI文章,并在美国化学学会和美国地质学会年会上就此发表专题演讲。因为在与美国梅奥诊所合作的HPV检测的研究项目中的工作获得了Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation fellow提名,并取得一项美国专利。
  • 03
    报告题目:一种新的地质与矿产研究方法探讨报告人:岳中琦 荣誉教授报告人单位:香港大学报告时间:7月9日(周二)下午3:30报告地点:南京古生物所 图书馆三楼报告厅主办:微体室、科技处、综合处、人教处报告简介:土是地质岩石的物理化学风化产物,在地球表面到处存在。土的本构颗粒包括纳米级黏土、微米级粉砂、毫米级砂和厘米级砾石。在本报告中,岳中琦将首先介绍他所创建的土本构颗粒分离分解方法和他的团队获取的大量观测数据和图片,再论证和论述地表土是一种极其广泛与重要的新地质研究方向和新矿产资源开采对象。它们亟待我们深入研究、开发与利用!个人简介岳中琦,香港大学岩土工程荣誉教授,教育部长江学者讲席教授,国家(香港)杰出青年科学基金获得者,香港注册专业工程师(岩土界别)。他于1983年和1986年在北京大学分别获得地震地质专业理学学士和地球动力学方向硕士学位,1992年获得加拿大Carleton大学岩土工程博士学位。他曾在北京、渥太华和香港从事40多年科技实践和教研工作。40多年来,他在弹性力学、固结理论、数字图像、随钻监测、边坡工程、滑坡机理、地基加固、隧道变形、岩爆机理、岩洞稳定、土体洗筛、地震机理和防治等方面做了大量工程、科研和教学工作,取得了一系列原创发现、方法、规律和理论。他获得了国内外多项科技奖励,位列全球前2%顶尖科学家终身科学影响力排行榜。
  • 02
    报告题目:古海洋溶解有机碳库报告人:李超 教授报告人单位:成都理工大学报告时间:7月4日(周四)上午10:00报告地点:南京地质古生物所图书馆三楼报告厅主办:重点实验室、科技处、综合处、人教处报告简介:现代海洋中溶解有机碳(DOC)库当量与大气CO2库相当,其对全球碳循环和气候变化具有重要影响。有研究表明,在新元古代其可能是现代海洋DOC库的成百上千倍。然而,新元古代海洋是否存在这样一个超大的DOC库一直是地球科学一个争议的焦点和热点。本报告首先介绍了现代海洋溶解有机质(DOM)的定义、特征和形成机制;在此基础上回顾了新元古代大DOC库假说及其面临的挑战和反挑战,并详细综述了其存在的最新关键证据。基于目前现代和古代海洋最新研究,报告还探讨了古海洋DOC库演化、增消机制及其环境、生命、气候和沉积学效应,并提出古海洋DOC库研究是未来沉积地球化学/生物地球化学研究中最值得探索的前沿领域之一。报告最后还对古海洋DOC研究领域取得重大突破的关键点给予了展望。个人简介李超,成都理工大学教授,沉积地质研究院院长,沉积与生物地球化学国际研究中心主任,国务院政府特殊津贴专家,自然资源部高层次科技创新人才工程(地质找矿方向)科技创新团队负责人。2011年入选国家首批海外高层次人才支持计划青年项目,2018年获得国家自然科学基金委杰出青年科学基金资助,2019年入选国家高层次人才特殊支持计划科技创新领军人才,2024年获得国家自然科学基金委杰出青年科学基金延续项目资助。入选全球顶尖2%科学家榜单(美国斯坦福大学和爱思唯尔数据库-2023)和爱思唯尔中国高被引学者榜单(2023)。荣获国际沉积学家协会瓦尔特奖章(Johannes Walther Medal-2024)。先后担任《中科学科:地球科学》、GCA等9个国内外期刊副主编或编委。主要从事早期海洋环境演化及其生命、矿产和能源效应研究(沉积地球化学、生物地球化学、地球生物学)。在早期地球海洋演化,特别是元古代-古生代早期海洋化学空间结构、海洋化学与复杂生命协同演化、分层海洋环境下关键生命元素的生物地球化学循环和古海洋碳酸盐地球化学等方面取得创新成果。研究成果以第一作者/通讯作者身份发表在Nature、Science、NG、PNAS、NC、Geology、EPSL、GCA等重要学术刊物上,并被Science正面评述。发表论文论著130余篇章,其中第一和/或通讯作者SCI论文62篇,8篇论文入选ESI Top1%高被引论文,Google Scholar引用6900余次(截止202406)。
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    报告题目:Antarctic Geology and Scenery: Exploring Nature's Frozen Canvas报告人:李莎 副研究员报告时间:2024年6月25日(周二)下午15:00-16:00报告地点:图书馆三楼报告厅主办:青促会、重点实验室、综合处、科技处报告人简介:中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所副研究员,博士生导师。国际轮藻协会(IRGC)中国通讯委员,中国古生物学会微体古生物学分会秘书长。主要从事白垩纪陆地生态系统研究,基于微体古生物学和地球化学等研究方法:1.白垩系/古近系界线与白垩纪末期生物大灭绝;2.微体化石生物地层学及古生态学;3.轮藻化石分类及演化。她于2024年1月参加了为期25天的南极科考(中国科学院共六名科研人员参与),探索过乔治王岛、纳尔逊岛、西摩岛、詹姆斯罗斯岛、维加岛、夏洛特湾和安德森岛等地点。
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    报告题目:Darriwilian-Sandbian (Ordovician) stratigraphy of the Altaian marine basins: key sections, litho-biostratigraphy, and graptolite communities报告人:Nikolay Sennikov教授报告人单位:俄罗斯科学院西伯利亚分院Trofimuk石油地质和地球物理研究所报告时间:6月21日(周五)下午15:00报告地点:南京地质古生物所图书馆三楼报告厅主办:重点实验室、科技处、综合处、人教处报告人简介:Nikolay Sennikov教授长期致力于俄罗斯及周边地区的早古生代地层和古生物研究,特别是对俄罗斯西伯利亚板块南部地区和东部地区的寒武纪-奥陶纪地层古生物有系统性的深入研究。他带领多学科研究团队,通过古生物学(笔石、牙形刺、放射虫、腕足类等门类)、生物地层、岩石地层、年代地层、化学地层和生物古地理研究,探讨并揭示西伯利亚的早古生代地质发展历史及与周边板块和地区的相互关系。他是俄罗斯科学院西伯利亚分院地层古生物研究的主要学术带头人、首席科学家,发表学术论文论著100余篇册,在俄罗斯远东地学界享有较高威望。
  • 14
    报告人:Prof. Thomas Algeo报告人单位:University of Cincinnati报告地点:图书馆三楼报告厅主办:重点实验室、科技处、人教处、青促会报告人简介:Thomas Algeo completed his Ph.D. at the University of Michigan in 1989 and worked at an oil company before joining the faculty of the University of Cincinnati in 1991. He has specialized in the development of elemental proxies for paleoenvironmental analysis, laying the foundation for the modern approach to reconstruction of redox, salinity, and productivity conditions, as well as other environmental parameters such as watermass restriction, in paleoenvironmental systems. He has studied all of the Big Five mass extinctions and is the author of a leading theory for the Late Devonian extinctions, linking them to the evolution of vascular land plants. His research has included many aspects of paleoclimatology.报告1:Theory and classification of mass extinction causation报告时间:6月20日(周四)下午03:00报告1简介:Theory regarding the causation of mass extinctions is in need of systematization. Every mass extinction has both an ultimate cause, i.e., the trigger that leads to various climato-environmental changes, and one or more proximate cause(s), i.e., the specific climato-environmental changes that result in elevated biotic mortality. With regard to ultimate causation, strong cases can be made that bolide (i.e., meteor) impacts, large igneous province (LIP) eruptions, and bioevolutionary events have each triggered one or more of the Phanerozoic Big Five mass extinctions, and that tectono-oceanic changes have triggered some second-order extinction events. With regard to proximate mechanisms, most extinctions are related to either carbon-release or carbon-burial processes, the former being associated with climatic warming, ocean acidification, reduced marine productivity, and lower carbonate d13C values, and the latter with climatic cooling, increased marine productivity, and higher carbonate d13C values. In this context, mass extinction causation can be usefully classified using a matrix of ultimate and proximate factors (see figure).Figure: Classification of mass extinctions, based on a combination of ultimate (y-axis) and proximate (x-axis) causation. The Big Five Phanerozoic mass extinctions are shown in bold. 报告2:Paleoenvironmental analysis of black shales报告时间:6月21日(周五)上午10:00报告2简介:Black shales can provide information about many aspects of paleoenvironments, including redox, salinity, temperature, productivity, weathering, and watermass restriction. The modern approach to analysis of paleoenvironmental variation in black shales was developed by Prof. Algeo and his colleagues and students over the past 20 years. This talk will examine geochemical and petrographic proxies used in such studies and provide an in-depth example of their application to Upper Devonian black shales of the Appalachian and Illinois basins (U.S.A.).Figure: Reconstruction of environmental variation linked to small-scale (ca. 20-kyr) cycles in Upper Devonian black shales of the Ohio, New Albany and Chattanooga formations (U.S.A.).