报告题目:The preservation of fossil biomolecules: new insights from experimental taphonomy and advanced spectroscopy
报告人:Professor Maria McNamara
报告人单位:University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
爱尔兰国立科克大学教授Maria McNamara是著名的古生物学家和埋藏学家,主要研究方向包括生物软组织的保存、昆虫和羽毛化石中的颜色、羽毛的演化等。McNamara教授在Nature,Science,Nature Ecology and Evolution,Nature Communications,Geology,PNAS,Science Advances,Current Biology等国际知名学术期刊共发表文章五十余篇。McNamara教授曾获国际古生物协会President’s Prize(2003和2005)和Hodson Award(2014),英国科学协会Charles Lyell Award(2009),Dinopolis Foundation Paleonturology Award(2017),科克大学Early Career Researcher of the Year(2014)和Research Team of the Year(2023)等荣誉,并获Marie Curie(Career Integration Grant和Marie Curie International Fellowship),European Research Council (Starting Grant和Consolidator Grant), Science Foundation Ireland(Discover, Frontiers for the Future和iCRAG-GSI Environmental Geoscience 项目)等多项国家级和欧盟研究资助,科研经费累计超500万欧元。
Ancient biomolecules are a powerful source of information on the history of life on Earth. Traces of ancient biomolecules can survive for millions of years, but their interpretations are always controversial, because fossil tissues are invariably experienced a complex fossilization process. Taphonomic experiments can help understand what happens and how biomolecules break down during fossilization. In this talk, Prof. McNamara will introduce experimental and spectroscopic methods that are developed to interpret the chemical signals preserved in the fossils. This will give us exciting new insights into the evolution and unlock the chemical secrets of ancient biomolecules