

发布时间:2017-07-05 打印

  Elsevier-CAS Lecture Hall – Publishing skills training series  



  主题(Topic):“How to get published, and how to take advantage of Elsevier Resources ?   

  主讲人(About the presenter)Dr. Emilie Wang (王冬莉 博士)  

  单位:Associate Publisher, Regional Earth Sciences and Palaeontology, STM Journals | ELSEVIER  



  爱思唯尔(Elsevier)是世界领先的科学、技术和医学信息产品与服务提供商。中国科学院是中国自然科学最高学术机构、科学技术最高咨询机构、自然科学与高技术综合研究发展中心。作为双方在期刊出版领域的战略合作项目之一,爱思唯尔与中科院携手,不定期邀请各学科领域国际优秀期刊的专业出版人和期刊编辑,开展针对中科院科研人员的出版技巧培训系列活动, 爱思唯尔-中科院大讲堂 

  Elsevier is a world-leading scientific, technical and medical information product and service provider. The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) is the highest academic institution in China, the highest advisory body of science and technology, the development center of natural science and high technology research and development. As part of the strategic collaboration between Elsevier and CAS in journal publishing, “Elsevier-CAS Lecture Hall” –publishing skills training series are introduced to CAS researchers. Editors and publishers of leading international journals in a wide range of suject areas will be invited from time to time to present on various topics related to publishing skills through training workshops. 
