第一部分《昆虫演化历史》 5月18日周五上午 9:00 - 11:30
Lecture 1: the evolution of insects - part I (Paleozoic)
Lecture 2: the evolution of insects - part II (Meso & Cenozoic)
Lecture 3: the origins and rise of ants
第二部分《琥珀及其对陆地生态系统的意义》 5月21日周一上午 9:00 - 11:30
Lecture 4: the what and why of amber - reasons for resin production in forest ecosystems
Lecture 5: resin-producing trees and the evolution of amber sources
Lecture 6: diversity and paleontological significance of French fossiliferous ambers
报告人:Vincent Perrichot教授,法国雷恩大学