
题 名:南极乔治王岛燕湖晚第四纪硅藻 (Ⅲ): Diatomales, Achnanthales和Surirellales(Late Quaternary diatoms from the Yan'ou Lake, King George Island, Antarctica (Ⅲ): Diatomales, Achnanthales and Suriellales)


作 者:杨世蓉;陈肖柏  (Chen Xiaobai)


页 码:303-318

文 摘:

系统分类描述三目的24种和8变种, 其中包括1新种, 5新变种。它们归属于: (1)世界普生种, 淡水或半咸水生境, 中性-偏碱性。(2)南极近岸浅海海域中常见种。图版5参16

The third of a series on freshwater and marine diatoms from the Yan'ou Lake, King George Island, Antarctica is given. Here described are 24 species and

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