Palaeoworld 远古世界

序号 题名 年卷期 期刊
81 衍蜓类昆虫化石的再研究( Restudies in aeschnidiids (Odonata,Insecta) 1999年0卷11期 Palaeoworld 远古世界
82 A discussion of the early reported species of Clarkina (Permian Conodonta) and the possible origin of the genus 1998年0卷9期 Palaeoworld 远古世界
83 A global palaeobiogeographical model from Ordovician acritarchs.30 1998年0卷10期 Palaeoworld 远古世界
84 Acritarch stratigraphy at the Tremadoc - Arenig boundary 1998年0卷10期 Palaeoworld 远古世界
85 Aspects of Permian marine biogeography:a review on nomenclature and evolutionary patterns,with particular reference to the Asian - western Pacific region 1998年0卷9期 Palaeoworld 远古世界
86 Biodiversity of Early and Middle Ordovician graptolites from the JCY area,SE China 1998年0卷10期 Palaeoworld 远古世界
87 Carboniferous - Permian event:rise of the Glossopteris flora Gondeanaland 1998年0卷9期 Palaeoworld 远古世界
88 Changes in diversity and composition of the Hirnantia fauna (latest Ordovician brachiopods) in South China 1998年0卷10期 Palaeoworld 远古世界
89 Chitinozoan biodiversity of Undulograptus austrodentatus graptolite Biozone time of Yangtze Plate 1998年0卷10期 Palaeoworld 远古世界
90 Comparison of the Late Ordovician and end Cretaceous extinction events (Oral presentation at the symposium) 1998年0卷10期 Palaeoworld 远古世界
91 Conodont - graptolite biostratigraphic relations across the base of the Darriwilian Stage in Hubei and the JCY area of Zhejiang,China 1998年0卷10期 Palaeoworld 远古世界
92 Conodont species diversity changes through the Ordovician a comparison between Baltoscandia and North America 1998年0卷10期 Palaeoworld 远古世界
93 Conodont succession of the Guadalupian-Lopingian boundary strata in Laibin of Guagnxi, China and West Texas, USA 1998年0卷9期 Palaeoworld 远古世界
94 Early Darriwilian graptolite diversity changes and depth zonation from Yangtze Platform to Zhujiang Basin,South China 1998年0卷10期 Palaeoworld 远古世界
95 Early Palaeozoic palaeobiogeography of northern Gondwana 1998年0卷10期 Palaeoworld 远古世界
96 Early to Middle Ordovician trilobite biofacies, Kalpin, Xinjiang, NW China 1998年0卷10期 Palaeoworld 远古世界
97 Evolutionary significance of increase and associated features in Saffordophyllum (Tabulata,Late Ordovician,Manitoba,Canada) 1998年0卷10期 Palaeoworld 远古世界
98 Gradient analysis of mid Ashgill brachiopod biodiversity in East China 1998年0卷10期 Palaeoworld 远古世界
99 International symposiumon the great Ordovician biodiversification event (IGCP Project No.410) :abstracts and programme 1998年0卷10期 Palaeoworld 远古世界
100 K - bentonites discovered in the Pingliang Formation (Late Ordovician) of southern Ordos,China 1998年0卷10期 Palaeoworld 远古世界
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