
序号 题名 年卷期 期刊
441 新疆伊犁晚二叠世非海相Ophiomorpha(The Upper Permian Nonmarine Ophiomorpha of the Yily Basin,Xinjiang) 1998年22卷3期 地层学杂志
442 莺歌海盆地上新统双壳类贝壳的锶含量及其意义(Content of Strontium in Bivalve Shells from the Pliocene Series of Yinggehai Basin and its Geochemical Signifcance) 1998年22卷2期 地层学杂志
443 沅麻盆地白垩系划分及岩石地层研究(Classificance and Lithostratigraphy of the Cretaceous System in Yuanling-Mayang Basin) 1998年22卷3期 地层学杂志
444 志留纪宁强组碳酸盐岩台地的时空演变及宁强湾的封闭(Temporal and Spatial Distribution of the Carbonate Platform of the Llandovery Ningqiang Formation (Silurian) with Special Reference to the Closure of the Ningqiang Bay) 1998年22卷1期 地层学杂志
445 中国第一个“金钉子”剖面的建立(The first GSSP(Golden Spike) in China) 1998年22卷1期 地层学杂志
446 周口店太平山北坡西洞动物群及其洞穴地层划分(The West Cave Fauna and the Division of its Cave Strata from the Northern Slope of the Taiping Hill at Zhoukoudian,Beijing) 1998年22卷2期 地层学杂志
447 准噶尔盆地南缘早侏罗世叶肢介化石的发现(Early Jurassic Conchostracans on the Southern Margin of Junggar Basin ,Xinjiang) 1998年22卷2期 地层学杂志
448 “常么阶”沉积相及微相的研究与对比(A study and correlation of the sedimentary facies and microfacies of the Changme Stage in Southwest China) 1997年21卷1期 地层学杂志
449 滇东曲靖地区志留系层序地层特征和年代地层界线再讨论(Characterics of the Silurian sequence stratigraphy of Qujing ,Eastern Yunnan and redicussion about the chronostratigraphic boundary) 1997年21卷1期 地层学杂志
450 滇东下寒武统含磷岩系底部火山喷发事件沉积及其意义(Deposits o fthe volcanic eruption event from the basal Lower Cambrian phosphatic sequence in eastern Yunnan and their significance) 1997年21卷2期 地层学杂志
451 鄂拉山北段早二叠世地层研究新进展(New advance in the studyy of Early Permian strata in the Northern Sector of the Ela Mountain) 1997年21卷1期 地层学杂志
452 甘肃酒泉Q↓(y1)钻孔磁性地层划分与对比(The magnetostratigraphy of the Qy1 Drill Hole of Jiuquan ,Gansu) 1997年21卷4期 地层学杂志
453 广西那艺泥盆系五指山组下段地层研究(Stratigraphic research on the lower member of the Devonian Wuzhishan Formation of Nayi,Guangxi) 1997年21卷3期 地层学杂志
454 贵州瓮安地区上震旦统碳同位素特征(Upper Sinian carbon isotope profile in Weng'an Guizhou) 1997年21卷2期 地层学杂志
455 湖北北部耀岭河群、武当山群、随县群(大狼山群)之我见(Remarks on the Yaolinhe ,Wudangshan,Suixuan(Dalangshan) Groups in NOrthern Hubei) 1997年21卷1期 地层学杂志
456 华北地台北缘拴马桩煤系(Characters of the Hsuanmachuang Coal Series on the northern edge of the North China Platform) 1997年21卷1期 地层学杂志
457 徽成盆地东河群孢粉化石的发现及其意义(Discovery of sporo-pollen fossils from the Dongge Group of the Huichang Basin and their stratigraphic significance) 1997年21卷1期 地层学杂志
458 吉林“珲春组”的地质时代(Ago of the “HUnchun Formation” in Jilin,Northeast China) 1997年21卷4期 地层学杂志
459 吉林大阳岔及其邻近地区奥陶纪最早期笔石的序列与对比(The sequence and correlation of the earliest Ordovician graptolites from Dayangcha and its surrounding area,Jilin Province,China) 1997年21卷4期 地层学杂志
460 江西修水第四系网纹红土的地层学研究(Stratigraphic study on the vermicular red earth at Xiushui County,Jiangxi Province) 1997年21卷3期 地层学杂志
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